Curriculum Overview

Our training program has been developed on the basis of the principles known as the SPICES abbreviation and meets all the requirements of the national core training program.

Our program according to SPICES approach is;

(S) Student Centered:  It is designed to take into account the needs of the learners and their learning approaches. The program is continuously developed with student feedback.

(P) Problem Based: The approach is based on phenomena (scenarios) at all levels of the clinic from the grounds that it is based on curiosity, questioning, argumentation, debate and problem solving.

(I) Integrated:  Basic and clinical knowledge, knowledge and skills, different branches of science, age, etc. are considered in relation to each other. Each problem is addressed in biopsychosocial integrity.

(C) Community based : Aims to know the priority health problems, ways of protection from them and their treatments. It creates consciousness that social problems lead to illnesses, diseases lead to social problems, and patients are viewed from this window.

(E) Provides elective courses: It is based on the importance of in adult learning, students will be able to open courses, research, and participate in cultural activities in areas they are interested in.

(S) Systematic: Provides a systematic and complete learning of basic knowledge and skills to be acquired rather than master-apprentice relationship or coincidental learning.

The educational program and functioning of the faculty are shared with the information package on the website of the university. (Http://

Educational purposes and program outputs are shared on the website of the faculty (

Since 1997, “ACTIVE EDUCATION” has been applied with the “problem based education” method which is the first example in our country. For the students who came to the clerkship period in accordance with the Problem Based Learning principles, a practice called “Task Based Learning” was initiated in the 2001 academic year by making a pioneer of contemporary education method.

Our education program prepares students to have good communication skills, to bring professional values ​​and ethical concepts into their lives.

In the program, students who spend approximately 30% of their time in independent learning hours can benefit from library facilities, computer room, internet, learning resources center and other contemporary information resources and have the opportunity to acquire in-depth knowledge through specific study modules.